Clear Braces: The Beauty of Choice in Orthodontics
If you want to avoid looking unattractive while you straighten your teeth, you may find clear braces an attractive option.
You can get the orthodontic work you need without having to compromise aesthetics along the way.
When people say "clear braces," they usually mean what orthodontists and braces dentists call ceramic braces.
Instead of the big ugly metal brackets used in traditional braces, these braces have tooth-colored ceramic brackets that are far less noticeable.
Clear elastics and white-colored metal means everything is less visible to others.
But sometimes when people talk about "clear braces," they mean Invisalign braces or another system of clear plastic aligners.
Though they straighten teeth, they are no braces per se. The trays fit over the teeth like an ultra-thin mouth guard, slowly moving teeth into place.
They're not just invisible; they're also removable. But, as with so many other things, beauty can have its price.
Ceramic braces cost slightly more than their metal counterparts. Moreover, the ceramic brackets are somewhat more prone to breakage. And plastic aligners simply can't move teeth as dramatically as can actual braces.
Make sure you've learned the pros and cons before making a final decision.
+Jim Du Molin is a leading Internet search expert helping individuals and families connect with the right dentist in their area. Visit his author page.
Orthodontics and The Technology Behind Invisalign Braces
You may wonder what goes on with your Invisalign braces between the time that your orthodontist takes impressions of your teeth for your clear braces and when you receive your first set of aligners.
State-of-the-art computer technology plays a vital role in the process of creating your Invisalign braces. In fact, Invisalign's high-volume, customized orthodontics manufacturing process is the first of its kind in the world.
Below are some of the ways advanced computer technology in used in the manufacture of Invisalign invisible braces.
- To ensure a high degree of accuracy throughout the process, your orthodontists take impressions of your teeth.
- Your orthodontics professional then sends Invisalign your dental impressions which are used to make plaster models of your teeth.
- Using advanced imaging technology, Invisalign transforms the plaster models of your teeth into a highly accurate 3-D digital image.
- From your approved ClinCheck® file, Invisalign uses laser scanning to build a set of actual models that reflect each stage of your dental treatment plan.
- Using the Internet, your orthodontists review your ClinCheck® file - if necessary, adjustments to the depicted orthodontics plan are made.
- A computerized movie - called ClinCheck® - depicting the movement of your teeth from the beginning to the final position is created.
- Your customized set of aligners for your Invisalign clear braces are made from these models, sent to your orthodontist, and given to you. You wear each aligner for about two weeks.
- After wearing all of your orthodontics aligners in the series, your crooked teeth are gone and you've got the beautiful smile you've always wanted.
+Jim Du Molin is a leading Internet search expert helping individuals and families connect with the right dentist in their area. Visit his author page.